
Hi there🤙🏾. I'm Gabriel,
a frontend web developer dedicated to creating awesome and accessible web experiences.


Hello there, I’m Gabriel a versatile and excellence driven front-end web engineer committed to building digital products for the web that are accessible, functional and user-centric.

My primary technical language for the web is Javascript and as such I have practical experience with frontend frameworks including React, Next and Vue.

For style presentation on the web I make use of frontend libraries that are expected of a modern day frontend web engineer including but not limited to CSS/SCSS, Styled Components and TailwindCSS.

I also endeavour to write tests for my code so as to increase code confidence and reduce debugging times by using Typescript for static testing, and React Testing Library/Jest for the testing of components and their functionalities

I have also worked personally with further concepts such as Web Accessibility, Site Optimization for Search Engines as well as Prototyping wireframes via products such as Figma and Adobe XD. Some of the other tools I make use of in my development workflow include Redux, Git, Rest and GraphQL APIs (Consumption), Framer Motion, GSAP.

Currently searching for opportunities at agile companies that foster a great environment for continuous personal and professional growth as well as working intensively with cutting-edge tech on interesting use cases where I am involved in the lifecycle of the digital products for the web.




Mdundo for brands page

Mdundo for Brands

Redevelopment of a new design for an African music streaming platform. Made with NextJs and took Search Engine Optimizations in consideration in order to increase brand visibility on search engines.

Design Circle page

Design Cricle Global Services

A contract for the development of a website writing web code in alignment with supplied design files on Figma. Made use of Nextjs and SCSS for the client site.

Learn Law home page

Learn Nigerian Law

A live service providing educational materials on the Nigerian Legal System as taught in Nigerian schools. Created in Next.js and in collaboration with another developer to leverage the SEO, prerendering and multipage capabilities of Next.js

Crypto time travel home page

Crypto Time Travel

Made with NextJS, TailwindCSS and the CoinGecko API. Feeds a user calculated results based on their input and information from the crypto market api.

Todo App page

Todo App Tracker

Made with React.js functional components and hooks. Also uses the LocalStorage API to persist todo data on page refresh